Gunther Hirschfelder is Professor of Comparative European Ethnology at the University of Regensburg, Germany. His main research areas are transformations of traditional food cultures in postmodern societies, European identities and rituals in transition. Publications include a study on the History of Beer (Bier. Eine Geschichte von der Steinzeit bis heute. Stuttgart 2016), a broader one on European Food Culture (Europäische Esskultur. Geschichte der Ernährung von der Steinzeit bis heute. Frankfurt a.M./New York 2001) as well as on Colognes Trade Relations in the late Middle Ages (Die Kölner Handelsbeziehungen im Spätmittelalter. Köln 1994). At the universities of Bonn, Trier and Manchester, he studied European Ethnology, History and Agriculture Sciences. As a coeditor, he is in charge for one of the most important german-speaking journals, “Zeitschrift für Volkskunde”. He also is co-chairman of the research network “Eating Cultures”.