Ursula Hudson PhD (Munich, 1993); assistant lecturer for Intercultural German Language and Literature Studies at the University of Bayreuth; since 1996 lecturing at Cambridge and Oxford universities (UK); member of the Deutsche Akademie für Kulinaristik e.V. (German Academy for Culinarism); since February 2010 board member of Slow Food Deutschland e.V.; since June 2012 president of the board of Slow Food Deutschland.
Publications and lectures on art and design in early 20th century (Paul and Bruno Cassirer), as well as food as a cultural object; on regionality and identity; culinary books and books on the culinary artistic conviviality (“Meisterwerke für uns’ren Gaumen“. Max Liebermanns Geselligkeit und feine Küche‘. Vacat, 2009); on culinary education (Kulinarische Bildung, in: Bildung. Ziele und Formen, Traditionen und Systeme, Medien und Akteure. Hrsg. Von Michael Maaser und Gerrit Walther, Stuttgart 2011).
Has written for the journal culinaire. Kultur und Wissenschaft des Essens (journal culinaire: The Culture and Science of Food); edition wurzer & vilgis; recently with Anita Idel on meat eating and pasture raising. journal culinaire 09.
Ursula Hudson lives and works in Germany and the UK.